Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Alphabetical Index: Author Index: [Info] Ó Corráin, Donnchadh. »Women and the law in early Ireland.« Chattel, Servant or Citizen: Women’s Status in Church, State and Society. Edited by Mary O’Dowd et al. Belfast 1995: 45-57.
Ó Tuama, Páraig. »This is [Info] O’Brien, Dereck. Suffer Little Children: An Autobiography of A Foster Child. St. John’s 1991. [Info] O’Brien, Robert M., et al. »An Empirical Comparison of the Validity of UCR and NCS Crime Rates.« The Sociological Quarterly 21 (1980): 391-401. [Info] O’Brien, Robert M. »The Interracial Nature of Violent Crimes: A Reexamination.« American Journal of Sociology 92 (1987): 817-835. [Info] O’Brien, Robert M. »UCR violent crime rates, 1958-2000: Recorded and offender-generated trends.« Social Science Research 32 (2003): 499-518. [Info] O’Brien, Timothy D. »Seductive Violence and Three Chaucerian Women.« College Literature 28 (2001): 178-196. [Info] O'Byrne, Patricia. Post-War Spanish Women Novelists and the Recuperation of Historical Memory. Woodbridge 2014. [Info] O'Connell, Brendan. »"Struglyng wel and mightily": Resisting Rape in the "Man of Law's Tale".« Medium Ævum 84 (2015): 16-39. [Info] O’Connor, Alison. A Message from Heaven: The Life and Crimes of Father Sean Fortune. Dublin 2000. [Info] O’Connor, D.J. Crime at El Escorial: The 1892 Child Murder, the Press, and the Jury. San Francisco 1995. [Info] O’Doherty, Iseult. Stolen Childhood: Testimonies of the Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Dublin 1998. [Info] O’Donnell, Ian. »Prison Rape in Context.« The British Journal of Criminology 44 (2004): 241-255. [Info] O’Donnell, Karen. »Surviving Trauma at the Foot of the Cross.« When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse. Edited by Jayme R. Reaves et al. London 2021: 260- . [Info] O’Donnell, Krista. »Poisonous Women: Sexual Danger, Illicit Violence, and Domestic Work in German Southern Africa, 1904-1915.« Journal of Women’s History 11 (1999): 32-54. [Info] O'Donoghue, Thomas. »Child-abuse scandals and the Catholic Church: are we asking the right historical questions?« History of Education Review 32 (2003): 1-15. [Info] O’Hagan, Andrew. »Light entertainment: Child abuse and the British public.« British Society of Criminology Newsletter No. 71 (2012): 12-16. [Info] O'Hara, Shannon E. A second violation: Rape myths in contemporary, popular British and American writing; and, The Alden case. Ph.D. Thesis, St Andrews University, 2014. [Info] O’Keefe, Paul et al. »Incest as a Form of Family Violence: Evidence from Historical Case Records.« Journal of Marriage and the Family 46 (1984): 27-34. [Info] O'Keefe, Theresa. »Policing unruly women: The state and sexual violence during the Northern Irish Troubles.« Women's Studies International Forum 62 (2017): 69-77. [Info] O'Leary, Erin, et al. »Child abuse in England and Wales 2003–2013: Newspaper reporting versus reality.« Journalism 18 (2017): 754-771. [Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey. »‘Prowled Rather than Passed’: Abuse and Veiled Social Mobility in Nabokov’s and Kubrick’s Lolita.« Literature/Film Quarterly 50(4) (2022). [Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey, ed. Abuse Studies in the Humanities. Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024). [Info] O'Mochain, Robert, et al. »Sexual Abuse and Affect: The role of Popular Culture in Japan.« Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies. 22 (2023): 1-15. [Info] O'Mochain, Robert, et al. »Japan’s “Big Lie s “Big Lie": The Negation of Oral Testimony of Sexual Violence.« Dignity 9(2) (2024). [Info] O'Neal, Catherine W., et al. »Trends in the Annual Incidence Rates of Child Sexual Abuse and Child Maltreatment over the Past 25 Years in the United States.« Child Abuse Review 33 (April 3, 2024). [Info] O’Neill, Kevin L. »The Unmaking of a Pedophilic Priest: Transnational Clerical Sexual Abuse in Guatemala.« Comparative Studies in Society and History 62 (2020): 745-769. [Info] O’Neill, Kevin L. »Islands, Enclaves, and the Offshoring of Clerical Sexual Abuse.« Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2025). [Info] O’Neill, Kevin L. Unforgivable: An Abusive Priest and the Church That Sent Him Abroad. Oakland 2025. [Info] O'Reilly, Sean. »“Disarmed”: Disability, Trauma, and Emasculation in Contemporary Japanese Cinema.« Arts 7 (2018). [Info] O’Sullivan, Catherine. »Madonna and Whore: The Perplexing Media and Legal Response to a Female Child Molester.« Figures of Law: Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature. Edited by Gert Hofmann. Tübingen 2007: 175-198. [Info] O’Sullivan, Catherine. »Wie eine Sexualstraftäterin als Opfer dargestellt wurde: Der Fall der Mary Kay LeTourneau.« Täterinnen und/oder Opfer? Frauen in Gewaltstrukturen. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Münster 2007: 175-197. [Info] O’Sullivan, Catherine. »The nun, the rape charge and the miscarriage of justice: the case of Nora Wall.« Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 59 (2008): 305-325. [Info] O’Sullivan, Daniel E. »Bringing the Bystander into the Humanities Classroom: Reading Ancient, Patristic, and Medieval Texts on the Continuum of Violence.« Teaching Rape in the Medieval Literature Classroom: Approaches to Difficult Texts. Edited by Alison Gulley. Leeds 2018: 47-62. [Info] O’Sullivan, Eoin. »"this otherwise delicate subject": Child Sex Abuse in early Twentieth-Century Ireland.« Criminal Justice in Ireland. Edited by Paul O’Mahony. Dublin 2002: 176-201. [Info] O'Toole, Laura L., et al., eds. Gender Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Third Edition, New York 2020. [Info] Oates, Kim, et al. Study of Reported Child Abuse in the Anglican Church. Sydney 2009. [Info] Oates, Kim, et al. Breaking the Long Silence: Reports of Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia. Sydney 2010. [Info] Oates, Kim, et al. »Breaking the Long Silence: Reports of Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia« Ecclesiology 6 (2010): 183-200. [Info] Oates, R. Kim, et al. »Child Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 21 (2012): 553-570. [Info] Obajdin, Sanja, et al. »"... dieses leere Gefühl, und die Blicke der anderen...": Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen.« Frauen in Konzentrationslagern: Bergen-Belsen, Ravensbrück. Edited by Claus Füllberg-Stolberg. Bremen 1994: 123-133. [Info] Oberländer, Alexandra. »Shame and Modern Subjectivities: The Rape of Elizaveta Cheremnova.« Interpreting Emotions in Russia and Eastern Europe. Edited by Mark Steinberg et al. DeKalb 2011: 82-101. [Info] Oberländer, Alexandra. Unerhörte Subjekte: Die Wahrnehmung sexueller Gewalt in Russland 1880-1910. Frankfurt/Main 2013. [Info] Oberländer, Alexandra. »Zur Politisierung sexueller Gewalt: Der Fall Marija Spiridonova im revolutionären Russland 1906.« L'Homme 27 (2016): 133-142. [Info] Oberlin, Ana, et al. »Gender Violence and Sexual Abuse in Clandestine Detention Centers: A contribution to understanding the experience of Argentina.« Making Justice: Further Discussions on the Prosecution of Crimes against Humanity in Argentina. Edited by Center for Legal and Social Studies. Buenos Aires 2011: 106-141. [Info] Oberlin, Ana, et al. »Violencia de género y abusos sexuales en los centros clandestinos de detención: Un aporte a la comprensión de la experiencia argentina.« Hacer Justicia: Nuevos debates sobre el juzgamiento de crímenes de lesa humanidad en Argentina. Edited by Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales. Buenos Aires 2011: 167-226. [Info] Oberti, Alejandra, et al. "... Y nadi quería saber": Relatos sobre violencia contra las mujeres en el terrorismo de Estado en Argentina. Buenos Aires 2012. [Info] Oberti, Alejandra, et al. »Entre lo público y lo privado: Los testimonios sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en el terrorismo de Estado.« Clepsidra 1 (2014): 122-139. [Info] Obia, Victorine C., et al. »Film As Therapy for Defied Children: Hell as Pedagogy for Sex Abuse in Dry and The Colour Purple.« International Journal of Religion 5 (2024): 1799-1807. [Info] Obong'o, Chris, et al. »Young Africans’ social representations of sexual abuse of power in their HIV-related creative narratives, 2005–2014: Cultural scripts and applied possibilities.« Culture, Health & Sexuality (March 28, 2018). [Info] Obua, Bonje N.A. »Hipersexualizada, exotificada y controlada: La mujer negra en Las palmeras en la nieve. Honors Thesis, Colby College, 2020. [Info] Odem, Mary E. Delinquent Daughters: Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920. Chapel Hill 1995. [Info] Odem, Mary E. »Cultural Representations and Social Contexts of Rape in the Early Twentieth Century.« Lethal Imagination: Violence and Brutality in American History. Edited by Michael A. Bellesiles. New York 1999: 353-370. [Info] Odem, Mary E. »Statutory Rape Prosecutions in California.« The Global History of Childhood Reader. Edited by Heidi Morrison. New York 2012: 451-464. [Info] Odoemene, Akachi. »The Nigerian Armed Forces and Sexual Violence in Ogoniland of the Niger Delta Nigeria, 1990-1999.« Armed Forces & Society 38 (2012): 225-251. [Info] Oduwobi, Oluyomi. »Rape victims and victimisers in Herbstein's Ama, a Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade.« Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 54 (2017): 100-111. [Info] Oehmke, Philipp, et al. »"Er hätte es besser wissen müssen".« Der Spiegel (September 25, 2013): 120-124. [Info] Oelkers, Jürgen. Eros und Herrschaft: Die dunklen Seiten der Reformpädagogik. Weinheim 2011. [Info] Oelkers, Jürgen. Pädagogik, Elite, Missbrauch: Die »Karriere« des Gerold Becker. Weinheim 2016. [Info] Oelkers, Jürgen. »Warum hat niemand den Verdacht geteilt? Die Odenwaldschule, die Medien und die Erziehungswissenschaft.« Erziehungswissenschaft 28 (2017): 11-18. [Info] Ogbuehi, Mary R.-C. »Rape as a Moral Attack against Women in the Nigeria-Biafra War.« Women and the Nigeria-Biafra War: Reframing Gender and Conflict in Africa. Lanham 2020: 147-164. [Info] Ogden, Daniel. »Rape, Adultery and the Protection of Bloodlines in Classical Athens.« Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 1997: 25-41. [Info] Ogden, Julia. »Innocent Children and Passive Pederasts: Sodomy, Age of Consent, and the Legal and Juridical Vulnerability of Boys in Buenos Aires, 1853–1912.« Law and History Review 37 (2019): 237-274. [Info] Ogoshi, Aiko, et al. »Japanese Women Who Stand with Comfort Women.« War's Dirty Secret: Rape, Prostitution, and Other Crimes Against Women. Edited by Anne L. Barstow. Cleveland 2000: 26-36. [Info] Oh, Bonnie B.C. »The Japanese Imperial System and the Korean "Comfort Women" of World War II.« Legacies of the Comfort Women of World War II. Edited by Margaret Stetz et al. Armonk 2001: 3-25. [Info] Oh, Bonnie B.C., et al., eds. Legacies of the Comfort Women of World War II. Armonk 2001. [Info] Oh, Bonnie B.C., et al. »Tomiyama Taeko’s A Memory of the Sea.« Legacies of the comfort women of World War II. Edited by Margaret Stetz et al. Armonk 2001: 201-208. [Info] Oh, Bonnie B.C. »Legacies of “Comfort Women”.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 203-214. [Info] Oh, Ingyu, et al. »Forgiving the Culprits: Japanese Historical Revisionism in a Post-Cold War Context.« International Journal of Peace Studies 5 (2000): 45-59. [Info] Oh, Omok. »I Thought I Was Going to a Textile Factory.« True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women: Testimonies. Edited by Keith Howard. London 1995: 65-69. [Info] Ojambo-Ochieng, Ruth, et al. »Women War Survivors of the 1989-2003 Conflict in Liberia: The Impact of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.« Journal of International Women's Studies 12 (2011): 1-21. [Info] Okamoto, Julia Y. »As "Mulheres de Conforto" da Guerra do Pacífico.« Revista de Iniciação Científica em Relações Internacionais 1 (2013): 91-108. [Info] Okano, Yayo. »From recognition of vulnerabilities to caring democracy: A care analysis of the reconciliation process of the “comfort women” issue in Japan.« Routledge Handbook of East Asian Gender Studies. Edited by Jieyu Liu et al. London 2020: 403-417. [Info] Oklopčić, Biljana. »Adapting the Adapted: The Black Rapist Myth in E.R. Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes and Its Films Adaptations.« Anafora 4 (2017): 313-331. [Info] Oksman, Tahneer. »An Art of Loss.« Spaces Between: Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics. Edited by Nina Eckhoff-Heindl et al. Wiesbaden 2020: 187-200. [Info] Oladepo, O., et al. »A Five-Year Analysis of Police Records on Sexual-related Offences in Lagos state, Nigeria.« African Journal of Biomedical Research 18 (2015): 109-121. [Info] Olafson, Erna, et al. »Modern History of Child Sexual Abuse Awareness: Cycles of Discovery and Suppression.« Child Abuse & Neglect 17 (1993): 7-24. [Info] Olafson, Erna. »When Paradigms Collide: Roland Summit and the Rediscovery of Child Sexual Abuse.« Critical Issues in Child Sexual Abuse: Historical, Legal, and Psychological Perspectives. Edited by Jon R. Conte. London 2002: 71-106. [Info] Olasope, Olakunbi O. »Rape and Adultery in Ancient Greek and Yoruba Societies.« Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5 (2014): 67-114. [Info] Olayinka, Eyiwumi B. »Bodies that Matter: Calixthe Beyala’s Female Bodies and Strategies of Hegemonic Subversion.« Ufahamu 41 (2018): 1-20. [Info] Olds, Madelin J. The Rape Complex in the Postbellum South. Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1989. [Info] Olds, Madelin J. »The Rape Complex in the Postbellum South.« Black Women in America. Edited by Kim M. Vaz. Thousand Oaks 1995: 179-205. [Info] Olfers, Marjan, et al. Historical Abuse Cases in SOS Children's Villages Suriname: Research Report Driebergen-Rijsenburg 2023. [Info] Oliveira, Claudia. Fathoming the Unfathomable: Gertrude Kearns and the Visual Representation of the Genocide in Rwanda. M.A. Thesis, Concordia University, 2011. [Info] Oliveira Silva, Lúcia H., et al. »Violência na infância: Londrina (1930 - 1970).« Tempo e Argumento 1 (2009): 145-161. [Info] Oliver, Lisi. »Forced and Unforced Rape in Early Irish Law.« Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 13 (1993): 93-106. [Info] Oliver, Mary B, et al. »Portrayals of Sexual Violence in Popular Hindi Films, 1997–99.« Sex Roles 48 (2003): 327-336. [Info] Oliver, Sarah A. The Rape of Mary Raymond: A Radical View of Rape in Mary Hays' The Memoirs of Emma Courtney and The Victim of Prejudice. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Plymouth, 2007. [Info] Olivera-Williams, María R. »Maldito cuerpo de mujer: Violencia de género y violencia sexual dentro del terrorismo de estado en Argentina y Chile.« Poner el cuerpo: Rescatar y visibilizar las marcas sexuales y de género de los archivos dictatoriales del Cono Sur. Edited by Ksenija Bilbija et al. Santiago 2017: 61-83. [Info] Olson, Kelly. »Roman Sexuality and Gender.« Themes in Roman Society and Culture: An Introduction to Ancient Rome: Edited by Matthew Gibbs et al. Ontario 2014: 164-188. [Info] Olson, Ruth A. »Rape: An 'Un-Victorian' Aspect of Life in Upper Canada.« Ontario History 68 (1976): 75-79. [Info] Olsson, Lena. »‘Violence that’s Wicked for a Man to Use’: Sex, Gender and Violence in the Eighteenth Century.« Interpreting Sexual Violence, 1660-1800. Edited by Anne Greenfield. London 2013: 141-148. [Info] Olsson, Pia, et al. »Constructing Soldiers from Boys in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.« Men and Masculinities 16 (2013): 203-227. [Info] Olszewski, D.J. »Statutory Rape in Wisconsin: History, Rationale, and the Need for Reform.« Marquette Law Review 89 (2006): 693-719. [Info] Olujic, Maria B. »Women, Rape, and War: The Continued Trauma of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Croatia.« Anthropology of East Europe Review 13 (1995): 62-67. [Info] Olujic, Maria B. »Embodiment of Terror: Gendered Violence in Peacetime and Wartime in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.« Medical Anthropology Quarterly 12 (1998): 31-50. [Info] Oluwole, Joseph O., et al. 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[Info] Onojobi, Temidayo. »La violence sexuelle: Réponse féministe à travers Calixthe Beyala dans C'est le soleil qui m'a brulée.« Journal of Modern European Languages and Literature 5 (2016): 31-39. [Info] Onozawa, Akane, et al., eds. Denying the Comfort Women: The Japanese State's Assault on Historical Truth. London 2018. [Info] Onyejekwe, Chineze J. »Nigeria: The Dominance of Rape.« Journal of International Women’s Studies 10 (2008): 48-63. [Info] Oostendorp, Marcelyn, et al. »“Too late for tears, dear sister”: Constructing victims and perpetrators of rape in the advice column Dear Dolly from 1984 to 2004.« Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 46 (2015): 7-23. [Info] Oosterhoff, Pauline, et al. »Sexual Torture of Men in Croatia and Other Conflict Situations: An Open Secret.« Reproductive Health Matters 12 (2004): 68-77. [Info] Oosterhoff, Pauline, et al. Addressing Sexual Violence in and beyond the 'Warzone'. Brighton 2014. [Info] Oosterom, Marjoke, et al. 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[Info] Orr, Patricia R. »Non Potest Appellum Facere: Criminal Charges Women Could Not -- But Did -- Bring in Thirteenth-Century English Courts of Justice.« The Final Argument: The Imprint of Violence on Society in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Edited by Donald J. Kagay et al. Woodbridge 1998: 141-160. [Info] Ortega González-Rubio, Mercedes. »Marsolaire d’Amira de la Rosa. La violence occultée.« Caravelle No. 102 (2014): 109-119. [Info] Ortiz i Jornet, Eduard. The Practice of Torture by the French Army during the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962): The Enforcement of Justice and Reparation. Bachelor Thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019. [Info] Ortmann, Anja. »Sexualisierte Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten am Beispiel des Bosnienkrieges.« psychosozial 44 (2021): 15-21. [Info] Oruh, Chioma M. Imperialism, Rape and the Congo Predicament. Ph.D. Thesis, Howard University, 2015. [Info] Osanai, Tsuneko. »Imperial Authorization of Abduction, Detention and Military Gang Rape.« Women's Asia 21 No. 1 (1995): 26-31. [Info] Osborne, Emma E. Reading Women: Models of Behaviour and Womanhood in the Auchinleck Manuscript. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2018. [Info] Osborne, Robin. »Changing Fashions in the Visual Depiction of Sexual Pursuit in Classical Athens.« Revisiting Rape in Antiquity: Sexualised Violence in Greek and Roman Worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 2023: 131-143. [Info] Ossewaarde, Ringo, et al. »Heroines of gendercide: The religious sensemaking of rape and abduction in Aramean, Assyrian and Chaldean migrant communities.« European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (2015): 428-442. [Info] Østby, Kim J. Investigating Veronica Mars: The Noir and Teen Clash in Neptune, California. Masteroppgave, Universitetet i Oslo, 2010. 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